Magnetic Component Assemblies
Power Inductors
Common Mode Chokes
PCB Mounted Power Magnetics
Electronic PCB Assembly
Instrument Current Transformers
CT's for Watt-Hour Meters
Watt-Hour Meter Bases
General Purpose CT's
Company Profile
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Plant Tour Merida
Plant Tour Xiamen
Plant Tour Bengaluru
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Falco Code of Conduct
Quality Policy
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Contact Information
Falco Phone Directory
FEB 1991 - Began operations in Merida, Mexico with 100 employees (15,000 sqf) supported by office in Miami, FL
NOV 1995 - Implemented FOMICSI - Internally developed ERP
JUN 1996 - Mexican facility ISO 9002 certified
FEB 1998 - Mexican plant moved to new facility of 6,500 sqf and transferred sales and administrative functions to Mexico
JUN 1998 - China facility ISO 9002 certified
JUN 1999 - Set up remote warehouses to support JIT programs
DEC 1999 - Launched on-line Customer, Representative, and Vendor sites on web page for e-commerce
JUL 2001 - Mexican facility ISO 9001 certfied
SEP 2001 - Established Italy sales office
JAN 2002 - Founded Falco Electronics Xiamen; a WFOE with USD 4m capital contribution. Initial plant size 8,200 square meters
MAR 2003 - Opened Taiwan Design & Development office
DEC 2003 - Began booking Inter-Company sales in China from Falco Electronics Xiamen
FEB 2004 - Achived re-cerification of EMPRESA LIMPIA - Mexican non-polluting certification
OCT 2005 - Move Falco Electronics Xiamen to new facility in Hai Cang district of Xiamen. The factory space will be 10,500 square meters plus dormitory and eatery